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Dante Alighieri, Culture and Cultural Exchanges

March 25th marks the date of the beginning of the journey into the afterlife described in the “Divine Comedy” as recognized by Dante Alighieri’s experts. This year March 25th has an even greater symbolic value, because it falls on the seventh centenary of the death of the Italian language father Dante Alighieri.
For this reason, the Italian minister for cultural heritage activities and tourism, Dario Franceschini, encouraged schools, students, and cultural organizations to “remember Dante’s genius throughout Italy and the world with many cultural initiatives”.

On this occasion, Petit Pas, as a guest of AUSER Trani’s facebook event, entitled “Dante, Culture and Cultural Exchanges”, yesterday, presented the “MY TOWN YOUR TOWN” project.
During the event Petit Pas addressed the issue of how it is important to encourage cultural exchanges and knowing how to adapt tourism to this new situation linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.
there was also a talk about Intergenerational Tourism and its benefits for young people and the elderly.
The event registered 309 views, and received 82 comments.

Here are some photos of the event

Petit Pas TEAM

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